Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Completed my first Half Marathon....as a benchmark

As many of you have been reading I have been training with TNT (Team in Training) for my first half.  Well, I cheated and ran a half July 13, 2013.  I consulted with a friend of mine who is a professional marathoner and he agreed as long as I listened to my body, stay hydrated, didn't over do it, and used it as a BENCHMARK, that it would be a great idea and experience.

At the time I had only ran at the most 8 miles without stopping, so I was going to have some work cut out for me to do 5.1 more.  I did set a goal of 2:30 but more importantly I told myself that I would not kill myself or feel like I failed if I walked.  I honestly knew I would have to, and I did.

This run was the Davis MooNLight run.  I started at 7pm and it was still 90+ degrees.  After only 2 miles I had issues with my music and had to walk to fix it.  I couldn't honestly keep running while listening to slow and depressing, The Doors.  (When I run I need more upbeat music.)  About 5-10 minutes later I started running again and only walked when I honestly felt I "had" to.  Around the 8 mile mark I felt really good, I still had my legs and didn't feel like I was beat.  At the 10 mile mark I told myself, "you've ran several 5k's and all you have left is another 5k ahead of you".  At about the 10.5 mile mark, I started wondering why oh why didn't I just run the 10k, I would have been done along time ago.  However, at around 11 miles, when I knew I was almost there, almost home (aka the finish line) the course had some uneven and very slanted pavement.  I knew I was tired so I refused to run that part and walked it.  I was more concern with injuring myself and sidelining myself for future running events.  As soon as the pavement was level again I took off, still a bit tired but determined to finish.

I did it!  Not only did I listen to my body and finish my first half injury free, I did it in 2:27:30.7.  I came in 55th out of 124 in my age group.  Which personally I don't think is bad for my FIRST half marathon.

I'm looking forward to my first real half, one that I have TRAINED for and been waiting for, NIKE Woman's Marathon in San Francisco on October 20 2013!!!  I'm hoping to finish at 2:15 but will be happy as long as its not over 2:30 (I hear the crowded event make it hard to really stay on pace....not to mention the hills).

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