Sunday, May 26, 2013

Almost time for some color

Tomorrow,  May 27th, is the first 5k I ever signed up for.  Yes, I have done others and even a 10k since I signed up for my COLOR ME RAD run, but this was the run that got me all started. 

My son Lucas (only 3yrs old) has also been waiting for this run for months.  He is so excited that every morning he's been asking if today we can run our color run.  

Yesterday I picked up my bib for the event and even got Lucas a shirt with the COLOR ME RAD logo on it.  I even made our t-shirts with our team name, "Just Add Color" on the back.

Now we wait.  And its getting hard with all this excitement.   Stay tuned for pictures and updates of our colorful fun!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Run with me on 6/30/13

Hey there runners. So you don't have to join my team "Kickin' Assphalt" and you don't have to run a 1/4 marathon to save 10%. If you want to run for a good cause "Stopping Childhood Hunger" then register for this awesome event. You can run a 5k or 1/4 marathon and there is even a kids dash too. Use the link below to save.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Never Been Prouder

This week I decided last minute to sign up for a local run called "Loop the Lagoon" here in Vacaville.  They had a 5k and a 10k option and since I'm planning on training for a 1/2 marathon I thought I better practice with a 10k.  The farthest I had ever ran at that point was 5.7 miles in 1:01 hours (back on April 21st with my running group from FB).  I also decided that it I really needed to improve my 5k time since I had 2 coming up and wanted to hopefully medal in one of them.  I read that hills and long runs could do just that.  Well, for my first 10k I personally think I killed it.  I thought the course was going to be flat but at the 2.5 and 5.5 mile range there were some nice not too steep hills that I had to do, so not only was this my long run but I got some hills in there too.  At this point I still don't know my "official" time but according to my RunKeeper app I ran 6.33 miles in 1:02 hours, with an average pace of  9.5 minute mile.  Not bad for my first 10k and my longest distance I have ever ran to date.

First Lap (5k) Done, one more to go


So my 3 year old son, Lucas, has been wanting to run with me.  He tries to run when I go out in the morning to run, but he can't keep pace with me nor can he run for as long.  So I've been letting him start and finish my runs with me and I push him in the jogging stroller the rest of it.  Well today was his first run.  When we got to Lagoon Valley Park, he was so excited.  In fact the night before his run he told me, "mom I can't sleep I'm too excited".  So at the lagoon he got to watch me run and I believe he was excited to see me run and possibly even proud of me.  Then, about 30 minutes after I was done, they did the kids run.  Lucas got to run a 1/2 mile.  I ran along side him chanting the entire time "great job", "you can do it", "I'm so proud of you", and I'm sure other positive things too.  The kid had a blast.  At one point I pointed out that there was another little guy running next to us and he was going fast, that made Lucas run even faster.  I think he's gonna be competitive, as he finished he looked at me and said, "that boy didn't win".  Lucas defiantly earned his medal today, and I couldn't have been prouder.

Right before bed tonight Lucas said to me, "Mommy I had fun today".  In which I replied, "What was your favorite part"?

"My run"!!

That little guy is my new running partner

Youngest runner there
Determined to WIN

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Motivation for Today 5/8/13

Get off your a$$ and just run!!!!

Any Nor-Cal readers out there

Currently my team "Kickin' Assphalt" is at 6 almost 7 people (someone new will be registering soon).  We're looking for a minimum of 3 more people to get to a goal of 10 or more.  Who wants to join us for a 1/4 marathon on 6/30 in San Fransisco?

If you are interested comment below with your email and I'll send you a coupon for your registration.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Run Like A Diva

I had such great weekend and awesome run this weekend!!!  My husband and I drove up to San Fransisco on Friday to get away for the weekend as well as to get my bib and goodie bag for my run on Sunday. 

Friday at 4pm we headed over the the expo to look at all the booths of goodies and to get my bib.  There was so many cool items that I just wanted to buy everything I saw.  Thank goodness my husband was with me or I might have sold my kids to buy everything that I wanted.  LOL, I would never really do that.  There was booths of all sorts of running shirts in all colors but being that it was a "Diva" run, there was A LOT of PINK!  There was also booths for all types of accessories, from bling for your shoes, compression socks, waist belts for your bib and cellphone, to actual running shoes.

The morning of the run I woke up early and got ready with anticipation of a GREAT run.  Since we were staying at a hotel that was on part of the course, we walked to the event (0.70 miles)  We walked in the brisk morning air from the bay and enjoyed the view.  I even got to see the starting line before it began to get crowed with participants.  I would have to say the only thing I really could complain about was that there were people that were running or more accurately were WALKING that were closer to the starting line then I was.  I don't think they knew proper line up.  I mean I don't think they saw the signs that were marking the start for 8min, 9min, 10min, etc.  I was at the 9min marker and even 5 minutes into the run I was still maneuvering around walkers.  OK, I lied there was one more thing to mention that didn't go so smooth....after the 2 mile marker we were supposed to run over a little bike path bridge.  However, there where people standing there blocking it so we didn't think that was where we were supposed to go so we took a different path and then had to u-turn to get back on course.  Had I never gone the wrong way I could have gotten a time of 29:50 or 30:10.  Instead I finished at 31:00.  This is still an awesome accomplishment seeing it was only my second 5k and my first one was 33:45.  I took almost 4 minutes off my time.

I would totally recommend running the "Run Like A Diva".  I will be there again next year, in fact I want to run the Myrtle Beach run next April.

This is me walking to the event
Right before the start

The fireman that gave me my medal!!!!