Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's getting tough not signing up for more runs

Right now I have no event runs this month (September) but I have something booked for every month left in the year.

October 20th  NIKE Woman's Marathon in San Fran
October 26th  Mud Factor Halloween Mud Run in Sacramento
November 17th  Awesome 80's in San Fran
December 8th CIM in Sacramento

But there are so many more I want to do this year alone....

Sept. 22Rock the 80's
5K/8M/8M Relay/Kids RunElk Grove, CA
Oct. 6Hot Pink Fun Run
5K/10KRoseville, CA
Oct. 12Oktobrewfest
5K/10K & KidsDavis, CA
Nov. 3Run Because You Can
5K / 10KSacramento, CA
Nov. 2326th Anniversary Davis Turkey Trot
5K/10K/Half Marathon & Kid's RunsDavis, CA

Then for 2014
Jan 12Hot Chocolate Run
5K/15KSan Francisco, CA
What to do??????

Best Thing I Ever Did (in my Running life)

It was months ago, but it was when I was in the need to create a 4 person team for the San Francisco Live Ultimate 1/4 Marathon, I stepped out of my comfort zone and asked a stranger to join my team.  It was a woman who was wearing a tech tee from another running event, so knew she was a runner, and I stuck up a conversation with her. 

It was this woman who introduced me to the Facebook group "Run With Me".  From there it just snowballed.  I then met the caption for the local Team In Training team, and joined TNT.  I have met some of the best people and motivating friends from just one action of getting out of my comfort zone months ago.

Team In Training is more then just a group of people raising money for a great cause, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, but a family.  The experience has even inpacted my family.  At every training event we put our hands in a circle and shout "GO TEAM".  My little ones have done that with me when I get home from a training.  Today I woke up and was just in aww over the friends I have made and wanted to share that doing something as small as talking to one new person can really change your life.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Completed my first Half a benchmark

As many of you have been reading I have been training with TNT (Team in Training) for my first half.  Well, I cheated and ran a half July 13, 2013.  I consulted with a friend of mine who is a professional marathoner and he agreed as long as I listened to my body, stay hydrated, didn't over do it, and used it as a BENCHMARK, that it would be a great idea and experience.

At the time I had only ran at the most 8 miles without stopping, so I was going to have some work cut out for me to do 5.1 more.  I did set a goal of 2:30 but more importantly I told myself that I would not kill myself or feel like I failed if I walked.  I honestly knew I would have to, and I did.

This run was the Davis MooNLight run.  I started at 7pm and it was still 90+ degrees.  After only 2 miles I had issues with my music and had to walk to fix it.  I couldn't honestly keep running while listening to slow and depressing, The Doors.  (When I run I need more upbeat music.)  About 5-10 minutes later I started running again and only walked when I honestly felt I "had" to.  Around the 8 mile mark I felt really good, I still had my legs and didn't feel like I was beat.  At the 10 mile mark I told myself, "you've ran several 5k's and all you have left is another 5k ahead of you".  At about the 10.5 mile mark, I started wondering why oh why didn't I just run the 10k, I would have been done along time ago.  However, at around 11 miles, when I knew I was almost there, almost home (aka the finish line) the course had some uneven and very slanted pavement.  I knew I was tired so I refused to run that part and walked it.  I was more concern with injuring myself and sidelining myself for future running events.  As soon as the pavement was level again I took off, still a bit tired but determined to finish.

I did it!  Not only did I listen to my body and finish my first half injury free, I did it in 2:27:30.7.  I came in 55th out of 124 in my age group.  Which personally I don't think is bad for my FIRST half marathon.

I'm looking forward to my first real half, one that I have TRAINED for and been waiting for, NIKE Woman's Marathon in San Francisco on October 20 2013!!!  I'm hoping to finish at 2:15 but will be happy as long as its not over 2:30 (I hear the crowded event make it hard to really stay on pace....not to mention the hills).